Poprzedni wpis był przeznaczony dla osób, które są uczniami lub studentami. Dzisiaj coś dla tych, którzy edukację już mają za sobą. Niezależnie, czy jesteś rekinem biznesu, czy dopiero stawiasz pierwsze kroki w świecie korporacji, czy może pracujesz w małej firmie – na pewno znajdziesz tutaj coś dla siebie! Przedstawiamy Wam idiomy związane z business English:

Cut corners
Meaning: To do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way, often compromising quality.
Example: „We can’t afford to cut corners on this important contract.„
In the driver’s seat
Meaning: To be in control of a situation.
Example: „After the merger, she was in the driver’s seat of the new company.„
Touch base
Meaning: To briefly make contact with someone.
Example: „Let’s touch base next week to finalize the details.„
Hit the ground running
Meaning: To start something and proceed at a fast pace with enthusiasm and energy.
Example: „We need to hit the ground running on this campaign to meet the deadline.„
Get down to business
Meaning: To start working seriously on something.
Example: „After the introduction, we got down to business and discussed the agenda.„
Bring to the table
Meaning: To contribute something of value, such as skills or resources.
Example: „She brings a lot of experience to the table, which will be invaluable for the project.„
On the same page
Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement on a topic.
Example: „Let’s make sure we’re all on the same page before we proceed.„
Think outside the box
Meaning: To think creatively and unconventionally.
Example: „We need to think outside the box to solve this complex problem.„
Raise the bar
Meaning: To set a higher standard or expectation.
Example: „Their new product has really raised the bar in the industry.”
Back to the drawing board
Meaning: To start over after a plan or idea has failed.
Example: „The proposal was rejected, so it’s back to the drawing board.”
A win-win situation
Meaning: A situation where all parties benefit.
Example: „This partnership is a win-win situation for both companies.„
Move the needle
Meaning: To make a significant impact or bring about noticeable progress.
Example: „We need to invest in marketing strategies that really move the needle.„
Behind the scenes
Meaning: Actions or processes that happen out of public view.
Example: „There’s a lot of work happening behind the scenes to make this event a success.„
Red tape
Meaning: Excessive bureaucracy or adherence to official rules and regulations that hinder progress.
Example: „The project was delayed due to all the red tape we had to deal with.„
Burning the candle at both ends
Meaning: Working too hard without rest, often late into the night and early in the morning.
Example: „If you keep burning the candle at both ends, you’ll burn out soon.„
Climb the corporate ladder
Meaning: Advancing through promotions or career progression in a company.
Example: „He’s ambitious and determined to climb the corporate ladder.”

Tell us about your work situation! Have you ever been tempted to cut corners in order to meet a deadline?
Do you ever feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends with your workload?
Is climbing the corporate ladder a priority for you in your career?
Feel free to share in the comments!