Hi there! Jesień w pełni, rok szkolny już dawno się rozkręcił, a wakacje pozostały jedynie odległym wspomnieniem dla większości uczniów i studentów. Jeśli do nich należycie, przychodzimy dzisiaj do Was z przydatnymi idiomami i wyrażeniami związanymi z nauką. Are you ready?

- Hit the books – Siadać do książek, uczyć się
Meaning: To study hard.
Example: „I have a big exam tomorrow, so I need to hit the books tonight.”
- Learn the ropes – Nauczyć się fachu
Meaning: To understand the basics of something, often a new task or environment.
Example: „It took me a few weeks to learn the ropes at my new job.”
- Pass with flying colors – Zdać bardzo dobrze, zdać śpiewająco
Meaning: To do very well on a test.
Example: „She studied hard and passed the exam with flying colors.”
- School of hard knocks – Szkoła życia
Meaning: Learning through difficult or painful experiences rather than formal education.
Example: „He didn’t go to college, but he learned a lot from the school of hard knocks.”
- Learn by heart – Uczyć się na pamięć
Meaning: To memorize something completely.
Example: „We had to learn the poem by heart for our English class.”
- Ace a test – Zdać bardzo dobrze test
Meaning: To do exceptionally well on a test.
Example: „He aced the math test without even studying.”
- Bookworm – Mól książkowy
Meaning: A person who enjoys reading and spends a lot of time doing it.
Example: „She’s always been a bookworm, even as a child in school.”
- Play hooky – Wagarować
Meaning: To skip school without permission.
Example: „They decided to play hooky and go to the beach instead of attending classes.”
- Put on your thinking cap – Ruszyć głową, zacząć główkować
Meaning: To start thinking seriously or deeply about something.
Example: „We need to put on our thinking caps and come up with a solution for this problem.”
- Teacher’s pet – Pupilek nauczyciela
Meaning: A student who is favored by the teacher, often for being overly compliant or eager to please.
Example: „Everyone knew she was the teacher’s pet because she always got extra attention.”
- Burn the midnight oil – Uczyć się po nocach; ślęczeć po nocach
Meaning: To stay up late studying or working.
Example: „He had to burn the midnight oil to finish his school project.”
- Chalk and talk – Uczenie przez nudne wykłady, bez zaangażowania uczniów
Meaning: A traditional teaching method where the teacher talks while writing on a blackboard.
Example: „The class was mostly chalk and talk, with little student interaction.”

How is your school experience? Is it mostly chalk and talk? Are you a bookworm and a teacher’s pet, or do you play hooky from time to time? Do you learn by heart and ace every test? Let us know in the comments!